GSS Sailing Gift Card - GSS Sailing Gift Card is available for any amount by multiplication of $50.00 (ex.: 1 x $50.00 = $50.00 GSS Sailing Gift Card, 10 X $50.00 = $500.00 GSS Sailing Gift Card). Before "ADD TO CART" check the quantity to the amount you wish to buy GSS Sailing Gift Card. At checkout, please make a note to the seller with the name, mailing address, phone number and the e-mail address of the person receiving your gift. The receipt is the proof of your gift. All GSS Sailing Gift Cards are valid only for GSS sailing activity, courses, private lessons, and coaching. All GSS Sailing Gift Cards are valid for one year from the date of the purchase. GSS Sailing Gift Cards are not refundable.
Private Sailing Lessons - Private lesson or coaching will be arranged on an hourly basis and any of our vessels or student's vessel. We offer a broad range of consultations, teaching, and mentoring in almost all aspects of sailing and boating. Call us with your sailing needs and we will help you to achieve your goal.
Sailboat Racing Coaching- Sailboat racing is very popular sailing activity. Sailing is the slowest transportation on earth, and yet we figure out how to race it, and we do have lots of fun during every race. Some will use high-end racing sailboats, sails, pro crew and some will race just for fun with friends, family and on cruising boats. There is plenty of options in between, but we all share high adrenaline at the start, looking for wind and speed, and trying to get that "hardware." Whether we win or not, we enjoy every minute of the race. It's not easy to find knowledgeable crew or fast boat, but even if we don't have that, we can still "mess up" with the leaders. There is always room for improvements in our sailing. So, if anyone needs to improve racing knowledge, learn how to fine-tune sails, prepare the boat, train the crew or any racing consultation (just to name a few) we can help. If you need longer-term coaching, we ca provide it at the substantially discounted rate. Call us to make arrangements.
Introduction to Sailing - This charge is for each person who would like to sail Introduction to Sailing based on 2 participants. Additional persons allowed at $50.00 charge per person. Limit up to five persons per boat.
Introduction to Sailing additional person - This is for each person who wants to sail with an original buyer of the Introduction to Sailing. Limit up to 3 additional persons per boat.
ASA 101, Basic Keelboat Sailing - Everyday lecture on the boat starts at 10 AM until about 12:15 PM. After a brief lunch, from about noon to 5 PM we will practice sailing on the water - be prepared to sail in the light rain. On the third day, after lunch, students will take written test and upon passing it, they will do a practical test of their choice. "Silent Instructor" will be present to make sure you are safe, and to provide corrections if any are needed. Upon completion of the course, the instructor will sign your certification in your ASA logbook. All documentation will be sent to ASA for the final approval and the ASA office will mail your sticker according to your level of achievement (please, allow time for processing).
ASA 103, Basic Coastal Cruising - Everyday lecture on the boat starts at 10 AM until about 12:15 PM. After brief lunch, from about noon to 5 PM we will practice sailing on the water - be prepared to sail in the light rain. On the third day, after lunch students will take multiple choices test and upon passing it, they will do a practical test of their choice. "Silent Instructor" will be present to make sure you are safe, and to provide corrections if any are needed. Upon completion of the course, the instructor will sign your certification in your ASA Logbook. All documentation will be sent to ASA for the final approval and ASA office will mail your sticker according to your level of achievement (please, allow time for processing).
ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising - This is 4 days/3 night's course run on a similar schedule as ASA 103, but at different marinas, anchorages or waters, all TBA at the time of booking the course. We offer it at three locations: Hudson River to NY Harbor, Long Island Sound or Boston - Massachusetts Bay. This course requires provisioning done by the crew on the day of embarking the vessel and foul weather gear. Overnite we will do anchoring and mooring. Overnight docking at the marina is optional at the discretion of the crew. The school will cover the cost of one night at the mooring.
ASA 105, Coastal Navigation - Navigation Course is a self-study course. We will provide assistance at 2 separate consultation sessions over 2 weeks. The first week we will meet on Saturday 2-6PM. The second week we will meet 2 or 3 weeks later on Sunday 10AM-2PM. After the second session, students will take written test that lasts about 2 - 4 hours. Upon completion of the test, an instructor will certify student’s credentials and sign ASA logbook. Proper documentation will be sent to ASA for the final approval.
ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising - This course is a combination of coastal and inland cruising. Students will stay at sea for 6 days and 5 nights - first night maybe at the marina if weather conditions not favorable. This course requires more advanced provisioning and preparation, which will be done on day one by students and Instructor. This course may require chartering the boat and sharing the cost of it, including expenses of the charter. Program and schedules will be sent to registered students at least 2 weeks before the trip. To run the course, 4-6 students is required.
ASA 114, Cruising Catamaran - Learn to skipper an auxiliary powered sailing cruising catamaran of approximately 30-45' feet in length during a two-day live-aboard cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions. We are offering this course on chartered vessels in NY, New England, and BVI. This course is arranged per request.
ASA 118, Docking Endorsement - No experience require for the course. Able to safely and efficiently dock an auxiliary powered sailboat (single inboard or outboard engine). Knowledge of basic auxiliary power theory, engine and steering controls, proper use of dock lines and crew communication and safety. Students will practice various options of docking and securing vessels to the dock. Learn useful knots and options to approach docking spaces, effects of current and wind conditions. This course is arranged per request. It is 4-hour course if minimum 4 students sign up for the course. Otherwise 2-3 hours mostly practice.
Performance Sailing - Two days (6 hours each day, or any combination of the hours) speed course is for those who would like to improve their boat handling with the taste of racing tactics and strategy. This advanced course is giving students the opportunity to fly a spinnaker, deal with different shapes of the sails and how to control the sails. It is taught on Colgate 26. Class format will be determined and confirmed after a minimum of 3 students/racers sign up for the Performance Sailing.
ASA 101, Challenge - No certification is required for this challenge. Students start with a written test of 100 multiple choice questions. After passing the test, students will go sailing to check their practical skills. The challenge will take about 2-4 hours and at the end, the instructor will sign the logbook and credentials.
ASA 103, Challenge - ASA 101 certification is required for challenging ASA 103. Students will take the written test with multiple choices and then will go sailing for the practical test. The challenge takes anywhere between 2 and 4 hours. Bad weather will not cancel the challenge unless extreme conditions persist (above 30 kts wind or storms).
ASA 104, Challenge - ASA 101 and ASA 103 Certification must be documented before the challenge. This course is overnight anchoring, and the practice test is needed to pass before the multiple choice test can be taken. If air temperature drops below 50F overnight, the marina dock can be substituted at the student's cost. Provisioning is the responsibility of the student and weather cannot cancel the challenge, unless extremely rough sea and wind strength above 30 Kts is present.
ASA 101 Textbook - ASA 103 Textbook - ASA 104 Textbook - ASA 105 Textbook. ASA 114 Textbook - ASA Textbook Complete Collection. All study books are included in the course price. However, if you lost yours, want to buy for others or need any book to challenge the course you can buy one thru our school or ASA. Choose the corresponding book to your course or interest and we will ship it to you within 24 hours.